1.3 一經提交訂單,在適用法律許可的最大限度下,您將不得以任何形式取消或更改訂單。我們有唯一及絕對酌情權接受或拒絕您的訂單內的任何或所有部分,而無需給予任何理由。
1.4 藉著向我們提交訂單,您在此保證和聲明:(i) 您已滿十八歲,並具有訂立有法律約束力合同的行為及能力;及(ii) 您明白我們僅為最終使用者之客戶出售及送遞產品。
2. 價格及付款
2.1 所有價錢均以港幣計算。
2.2 我們會不時更新本網站及其發佈的任何產品之規格及價格,請您不時瀏覽本網站以獲得最新的資訊。
2.3 在我們收到您的訂單內列明的產品之全部款項後,方會安排有關產品之送遞或通知您領取產品。
3. 送遞產品
3.1 在送遞同一訂單產品時,我們有可能分一次或多次送遞。我們不會送遞產品至任何位於中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(以下簡稱「香港」)以外的地方。
3.2 如您未能於收到接受通知的十四天內領取已購買的產品,或未能給予我們足夠或準確的送貨指示,我們可能在不影響任何其他權利或補償的情況下以其獨有及絕對酌情權(i) 向您收取任何因訂貨資料不足、不準確或未能收貨而導致我們承擔的額外支出;或(ii) 以任何方式處置未被領取的產品而無須向您承擔任何義務或責任(包括但不限於向您退還已付金額) 或(iii) 授權我們指定的送遞或儲存服務商根據該服務供應商採用的送遞或儲存程序處理產品,而無須提供任何彌償予您(包括但不限於該服務供應商因您延遲領取產品而額外收取的任何送遞或儲存費用)。
3.3 當產品送遞至指定送貨地址或被領取後,送遞產品將被視為已完成,而我們應被視為已妥為履行合同下的所有義務,且送遞之產品應被視為具令人滿意的品質。
4. 更換及退款政策
4.2 如果產品有任何因我們導致的損毀而需要更換,您必須在有關產品送遞至指定送貨地址或被領取後的十四天內以書面方式通知我們連同能夠證明有關產品的損毀是由我們導致的證據,我們會就有關產品的狀況決定是否為您免費更換。如有任何爭議,我們保留所有及最終決定權。
5. 保證及法律責任
5.1 所有條款和合同已載明我們關於本網站及產品銷售的所有義務及責任,除非另有載明,並在適用法律允許的範圍內,本網站和產品均「按原樣」提供,不受任何普通法、法例或其他明示或暗示的陳述、保證條款或條件所約束。我們在此明確否認和排除任何有關產品質量、適銷性、適用於特定用途及非侵權性的保證以及任何額外的損害賠償、補償或彌償。
5.2 在適用法律允許的情況下,我們不對本網站所載資料的準確性作出任何保證,並無須因本網站所載資料有誤或與產品資料不符、故意損毀、疏忽、在不正常的條件下使用產品而負上任何形式的法律責任。我們有權不時修改或修復本網站的任何排版上的錯誤或其它失誤或遺漏、任何銷售資料、報價、價格清單、要約的接受、發票、客戶服務過程中所作出的陳述或其它由我們發出的文件或發放的資料,而無須給予事前通知或承擔任何責任。
5.3 您有責任確保(i) 您所提交訂單之一切相關資料完整及正確,包括送貨地址、收貨人資料及付款詳情等;及(ii) 從選定的領取地點依時領取產品。如因您就有關訂單所提交之資料不完整、不準確及/或具誤導性或您延遲領取產品而導致我們未能或延遲履行我們於合同下之責任或義務,我們無須就上述未能或延遲產生的任何責任負責。您承諾彌償並使我們及其相關第三者免受因您就有關訂單提供不完整、不準確及/或具誤導性的資料或您延遲領取產品而導致或蒙受的所有費用、損失及損害。
5.4在適用法律允許的情況下,我們和我們所有的代理人,僱員,承包商和其他代表將不承擔任何因與本網站及產品銷售相關的下列責任(不論該等責任因何種原因(包括由於疏忽)所致):(i) 間接的,特殊的,附帶的,後果性的或懲罰性的損失,損害或費用;及(ii) 經濟損失,利潤損失或任何下列損失之賠償 – 收入、客戶、交易、商譽、預期儲蓄及產品效用。
5.5 就由第三方對您或您對第三方的任何索償,不管有關責任產生的基礎如何,不論其是因為違反合同,侵權(包括過失),衡平法,法例,彌償條款,違反了習慣法的隱含條件和保證或一般的法律或法規,也無論我們是否意識到或應該已經知道這種損失的可能性,該賠償責任均適用於本條款的責任豁免。
5.6 無論是因合同法,侵權法或其他所產生的或與合同有關的責任,我們對您或任何第三人的最高責任額,僅限於引起索賠的,您的訂單所支付的金額。
6. 版權
6.2 就本第6條而言,「知識產權」指任何及所有在任何地方現已生效或將來生效(不論註冊與否)的知識產權的任何及所有權利、產權或權益,包括但不限於業務或商業機密、專有技術、專利、發明、版權、商標、服務標誌、設計權、資料庫、業務名稱及域名,以及與前述事項相關的商譽。
7. 一般條款
7.1 我們保留隨時在不事先通知您的情況下對所有條款及本網站任何資料修改、編輯或以任何其他方式作出變更之權利。
7.2 我們未能或遲延行使權利、權力或補償權利不應構成棄權。此外,單獨或部分行使以上權利或權力並不排除任何進一步行使該項權利或權力或行使任何其他權利、權力或補償權利之權利。在不限制上述規定的前提下,我們對您違反合同之條款或規定的棄權不得視為對您其後違反相同條款或規定或違反其他條款或規定之棄權。
7.3 我們無須對由以下原因直接或間接地引起的任何失責履行承擔責任:天災、火災、洪水、意外事故、暴動、戰爭、恐怖襲擊、政府干預、貿易禁運、罷工、勞資糾紛、設備故障(包括但不限於互聯網故障)或其他超出我們合理控制之因素。
7.4 未經我們事先書面同意,您不得轉讓您在所有條款或合同項下的任何權利或義務予任何第三方。
7.5 您提供的任何個人資料,只會作有關訂單之(包括但並不限於)通知、審計、記錄、核實及鑒定身份的用途。我們將按照香港法例第486章個人資料(私隱)條例及我們不時更新的私隱政策對您提供的個人資料進行處理。
7.6 任何非合同訂約方的人士於法律上無權執行合同的任何條款及其項下的交易。
7.7 所有條款及合同的條款中每一條條款應有獨立的強制執行力,其效力不受其他條款之無效性所影響。倘若任何條款於任何方面被定為無效、非法或不能執行的,其餘條款之有效性、合法性及可執行性不應因上述情況而在任何方面受到影響或損害。此外,該無效、非法或不可執行的條文將被另一條或多條與其具類似內容而又於適用法律下可被視為合法、有效及具執行力之條文取替。
7.8 合同及其項下的交易將受香港法律管轄並依其詮釋。雙方同意不可撤銷地接受香港法院之非專屬司法管轄權管轄。

Terms and Conditions of Sale
The terms and conditions set out below (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) apply to your purchase of our product(s) from the website of Joy Plus Education Centre Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”). Please read the Terms before you place an order. Please note that by placing an order through the Website, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the Terms and our Privacy Policy (collectively, “All Terms”). We reserve the right to modify or update All Terms from time to time without prior notice, and the revised terms will be posted on the Website. If you do not agree to the way in which the Terms are amended or updated, or do not accept any of the terms of All Terms, you should immediately stop using the Website or ordering any product(s).
In the event of a discrepancy or contradiction between the Terms and our Privacy Policy, the Terms shall prevail. If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of All Terms, the English version shall prevail.
1. Placing Orders
1.1 The information contained in the Website shall not be construed as an offer to provide any product(s) by us. The order placed by you is an offer to us to purchase the product(s) indicated in the order.
1.2 We do not guarantee that the product(s) displayed on the Website will be available for sale to you at any time.
1.3 Once an order has been placed, you shall, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither cancel or vary the order howsoever. We shall have the sole and absolute discretion to accept or reject any or all parts of your order without giving any reason.
1.4 By placing an order with us, you hereby warrant and represent that: (i) you are at least eighteen years of age and have the capacity and ability to enter into legally binding contracts; and (ii) you understand that we only sell and deliver the product(s) to end user customers.
1.5 If your order is accepted by us, you will receive an order confirmation email (the “Notification of Acceptance”). A legally binding contract of sale and purchase between you and us will only be established when we issue the Notification of Acceptance. All Terms, together with the order and the Notification of Acceptance, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to the purchase and sale of the product(s) (the “Contract”) and supersede all prior communications, intentions and agreements (if any) between you and us in relation thereto. In the event of any discrepancy between the terms of the order and the Notification of Acceptance and All Terms, the terms of the order and Notification of Acceptance shall prevail.
2. Prices and Payment
2.1 All prices quoted are in Hong Kong dollars.
2.2 We may update the Website and the specifications and prices of any product(s) published on the Website from time to time, please visit the Website from time to time for the latest information.
2.3 Upon our receipt of full payment for the product(s) specified in your order, we will arrange the delivery of the relevant product(s) or inform you to collect the product(s).
3. Delivery of the Products
3.1 Delivery of the product(s) in the same order can be by one or more instalments. We will not deliver our product(s) to any place outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”).
3.2 If you fail to collect the purchased product(s) within 14 days of receiving the Notification of Acceptance, or fail to give us adequate or accurate delivery instructions, then, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, we may at our sole and absolute discretion (i) charge you for any additional costs incurred by us as a result of insufficient, inaccurate or non-delivery of the order information; or (ii) dispose of the uncollected product(s) in any way without any obligation or liability to you (including, but not limited to, refund of any amount paid ) or (iii) authorise our designated delivery or storage service provider to deal with the product(s) in accordance with the delivery or storage procedures adopted by the such service provider without any providing any indemnity to you (including but not limited to any additional delivery or storage charges charged by such service provider due to your delay in collecting the product(s)).
3.3 Delivery of the product(s) shall be deemed to have been completed upon delivery to the designated delivery address or collection, and we shall be deemed to have duly discharged all obligations under the Contract and the product(s) delivered shall be deemed to be of satisfactory quality.
3.4 Upon delivery to the designated delivery address or collection, all risks in the product(s) will pass to you immediately, provided that we retain ownership of the product(s) until all relevant payments have been received. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms, we shall not be liable for any damage to the product(s) resulting from any omission, act or event beyond our reasonable control.
4. Exchange and Refund Policy
4.1 Except in the circumstances set out in Clause 4.2 below, we do not accept any request for exchange of the product(s) or cancellation of the order.
4.2 If any product(s) is damaged by us and needs to be replaced, you must notify us in writing within fourteen days after the delivery of the product(s) to the designated delivery address or collection of the product(s), together with evidence proving the damage to the product(s) is caused by us, and we will decide whether to replace the product(s) free of charge in respect of the condition of the product(s). In case of any dispute, our decision shall be full and final.
5. Warranties and Liability
5.1 All of our obligations and responsibilities in relation to the Website and the sale of product(s) are set out in All Terms and the Contract. Except as stated otherwise, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Website and the product(s) shall be provided “as is” without representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, whether based on any common law, statute or otherwise. We hereby expressly disclaim and exclude any warranties of quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement and any additional damages, compensation or indemnities.
5.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, we give no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained in the Website and accept no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracy of the information contained in the Website or inconsistency of product(s) information, wilful damage, negligence, or use of the product(s) under abnormal conditions. Any typographical errors or other errors or omissions on the Website, any sales materials, quotations, price lists, acceptance of offer, invoices, statements made in the course of customer service or other documents or information issued by us may be corrected or amended from time to time without any prior notice or liability.
5.3 You shall be responsible for ensuring (i) the completeness and correctness of all information relating to the order placed by you, including delivery address, recipient information and payment details; and (ii) the timely collection of the product(s) from the selected collection location. We accept no liability for any failure or delay in performing our duties or discharging our obligations under the Contract if such default or delay is due to the incomplete, inaccurate and/or misleading information submitted by you in respect of the order or your delay in collecting the product(s). You undertake to indemnify and hold us and the relevant third parties harmless from and against all costs, losses and damages incurred or suffered as a result of the incomplete, inaccurate and/or misleading information provided by you in respect of the order or your delay in receiving the product(s).
5.4 To the extent permitted by applicable law, we and all of our agents, employees, contractors and other representatives will not be liable for any of the followings, howsoever arising, including as a result of negligence, arising out of or in connection with the Website and the sale of product(s):(i) indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive losses, damages or expenses; and (ii) compensation for economic loss, loss of profits or any loss of revenue, customers, bargain, goodwill, anticipated savings and product(s) utility.
5.5 The exclusion of liability herein applies regardless of the basis on which the liability arises, whether for breach of contract, tort (including negligence), equity, statute, indemnity, breach of the conditions and warranties implied by custom, general law or regulation, in respect of any claim by a third party against you or by you against a third party, and whether or not we were aware of or ought to have been aware of the possibility of such loss.
5.6 Our maximum liability to you or any third party, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the Contract, is limited to the amount paid by you for the order in respect of which the claim arises.
6. Copyright
6.1 The sale of any product(s) confers no right, title or interest in any intellectual property rights relating to such product(s). We shall retain all intellectual property rights of the product(s). Infringement of the intellectual property rights of any product(s) in any manner is expressly prohibited. You shall take full responsibilities for all consequences arising from your infringement.
6.2 For the purpose of this Clause 6, “intellectual property rights” shall mean any and all rights, title or interest in any and all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to business or trade secrets, know-hows, patents, inventions, copyrights, trademarks, services marks, design rights, database, business names and domain names, now in force or that come into force in the future in any part of the world, whether registered or not, together with good will associated with the foregoing.
7. General Terms
7.1 We reserve the right to modify, edit or change in any way All Terms and any materials on the Website at any time without prior notice to you.
7.2 No failure or delay by us in exercising a right, power or right to remedy shall constitute a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of the aforesaid a right or power preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or right to remedy. Without limiting the foregoing, no waiver by us of any breach of a term or provision of the Contract by you shall be deemed to be a waiver of your subsequent breach of the same term or provision or a breach of any other term or provision.
7.3 We shall not be liable for any default arising directly or indirectly from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, terrorist attack, government intervention, trade embargo, strike, labour dispute, equipment failure (including but not limited to internet failure) or other factors beyond our reasonable control.
7.4 You may not assign any of your rights or obligations under All Terms or the Contract to any third party without our prior written consent.
7.5 Any personal data provided by you will only be used for the purpose of (including but not limited to) notification, audit, record, verification and identification of the relevant order. The personal data provided by you will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and our Privacy Policy as updated from time to time.
7.6 Any person who is not a party to the Contract shall not be have no right to enforce any terms of the Contract and the transactions contemplated thereunder.
7.7 Each provision contained in All Terms and the terms of the Contract shall be independently enforceable and its validity shall not be affected by the invalidity of the other provisions. If any provision is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired in any way. In addition, invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision will be replaced by one or more provisions similar in terms as may be legal, valid and enforceable under applicable law.
7.8 The Contract and the transactions thereunder will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong. The parties agree to irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.